Sunday, June 15, 2008

Thing #8

RSS----What do I like about RSS????? I liked being able to select my own news. It was fun to read all the news and comments. It was also very time consuming. If you are the type of person that is on your computer all the time it is perfect. For those of us that just use it at work...a little much. Using this at school would take a lot of early work to make sure that the sites are appropriate and on topic. It would be helpful if teachers gave a list of needed topics to the librarian and let he/she set up the RSS pages for your class. Unfortunately, this is creating a lot of work for the librarian. My vote is still out on this one.


Anonymous said...

As a librarian, I think working with the librarian to create a page for a class with RSS feeds is a fantastic idea! :) This actually helps us out since we don't have to constantly look for new articles and posts as the RSS feeds automatically do this for us. Initially this may involve a lot of work for both the teacher and the librarian, but the end result would be well worth it! Great idea.

bookeatersclub said...

RSS can be overwhelming - so much information - so easy. You will find ways to modify it for your use. Great resource don't you thing?

ESLFroggie said...

It is a little funny as RSS is supposed to simplify our life, yet there is so much involved in setting it up and weeding out what you don't really want. I agree with you, Queen B. It feels like I am already online too much... :)